Lessons from WiRL: Agapi Stassinopoulos

I remember Agapi Stassinopoulos the most. Since the summit was online only, every now and then, there were some technical issues. Agapi's session fell into that category. The video was so grainy, I could hardly make out her face. She was in a New York hotel at the time, and we could clearly hear the NY life outside. However, despite the technical difficulties, her speech was one of the sessions I remember the most. She was incredibly passionate about the subject of happiness, and clearly wanted to help others be happier with themselves.

One thing has stuck with me the most from her session. Rather than complain about things not going your way, her mantra was "Everything is rigged in my favor". I may not see it now, but all hardships and obstacles in my path are there for a reason, and will only help me in the future. She spoke of ways to open your heart and feel happier in your every day life. She spoke of her love for Bruno Mars, because of his song "Just the Way You Are". Me being a nerd, I took lots of notes during all the presentations. Below are the five things you can do to open your heart and let happiness in:

  1. Always be honest with how you are feeling in the moment
    1. Stating where you are sends a strong message that you have a right to your feelings, and it gives you the choice to transform them, putting you back in charge
    2. There's nothing wrong with how we feel at every moment. The only wrong thing about it is that we shut it off
  2. There is power in these 4 magic words: can you help me
    1. And 6 other magic words: what can I do for you?
    2. Asking for help whenever we need it allows us to open the channels to the giving and receiving flow of life
    3. "And still, after all this time, the sun has never said to the Earth, 'You owe me, look what happens with love like that, it lights up the sky'." - Rumi
    4. Radiate positive energy and good things will be attracted by it
    5. The messages we give ourselves become reality (I'm busy, I'm overwhelmed). They become a self-fulfilling prophecy
    6. Wealth is defined by your qualities (beauty, smarts, fearlessness, wisdom, giving), everyone can make money, but while some are rich, they may not be wealthy
  3. Remember that we're all the same
    1. The picture of our lives might look different … give yourself permission to be who you are, and allow others to be who they are, and let your heart be a bridge between the two
    2. The truest validation we can ever have is being seen for the value of who we are, just as we are
  4. Forgiving ourselves and others
    1. Let go of the judgments that we make of ourselves and others
    2. Realize that everyone, including ourselves, is doing our best
    3. Forgive yourself for what you did or didn't do, for things that happened and things that didn’t happen. Forgive yourself for what you think is going to happen in the future. Forgive yourself for all the judgments you make about others when they don't act the way you want them to act. Forgive the judgments you've made on your own life. Do this over and over again, because a loving spirit needs constant attention.
  5. When you feel pressured, overwhelmed, and being pushed, ask yourself - who is pushing me there? Who is demanding?
    1. Typically it's you, so tell that voice to back off. Take charge of how you want lead your life, and remember, you are in the pilot seat
    2. There's a wonderful feeling of release - almost like exhaling - when we start to follow our own compass instead of one that we've inherited
    3. Dare to treat yourself just the way you are
    4. Say to yourself, "I give myself permission to just let go"
    5. "My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me was never meant for me"
    6. "There are many horrible things in my life, but most of them never happen" (don't let thoughts and worries take over your life)

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Lessons from the WiRL Summit