Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

And the year comes to an end

Now that the school year is done, I wanted to take the opportunity to explore a bit more all of the things I have learned in my various classes. While some classes may not be applicable right away, I know that all the tools and frameworks I have studied for the past year will be useful in the future. I can't believe a whole year has already gone by and that I start my internship in three weeks. One of the classes I took in the spring semester was focused around frameworks and ideas to keep in mind and have a direct impact right away, during the internship.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Sunday Round Up

I feel like this week just flew by. Even though I've been looking forward to my trip to NYC for the NYU Stern Preview, I can't believe that it's already next week! But, before we get to it, here were a few things for this past week.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Lessons from WiRL: Laura Vanderkam

Everyone always talks about how there's not enough time to do everything they want. However, Laura Vanderkam challenged that belief. We think of a day as having 24 hours, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work, and 8 hours for everything else. Among those last 8 hours though, the typical person fits in overtime at work, getting ready for work, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and maybe a workout. When you stop to look at it, all your time's gone.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Lessons from WiRL: Agapi Stassinopoulos

I remember Agapi Stassinopoulos the most. Since the summit was online only, every now and then, there were some technical issues. Agapi's session fell into that category. The video was so grainy, I could hardly make out her face. She was in a New York hotel at the time, and we could clearly hear the NY life outside. However, despite the technical difficulties, her speech was one of the sessions I remember the most. She was incredibly passionate about the subject of happiness, and clearly wanted to help others be happier with themselves.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Lessons from the WiRL Summit

After visiting and interviewing at NYU Stern this weekend, I realized that it has been nearly a year since I started my process of applying for an MBA. According to my Amazon purchase history, I bought my first GMAT book on December 24, so really, I'm 15 days short of a whole year. But I won't actually find out whether I'm accepted or not from all schools until January, so I feel pretty comfortable saying it'll be a whole year.

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Lifestyle, Travel Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Travel Natalia Persegani

Done with MBA applications!

At the end of 2013, just before the holidays, I started thinking of returning to school, debating between an MBA or a Masters in Statistics. I started thinking of why I wanted to change industries, where I'd like to be, and the possibility of moving from Seattle, where I've lived for the last 15 years. I've greatly enjoyed my time at Amazon and the opportunity I had to work with incredible people. But I knew it was time to move on, and chase an industry I was much more passionate about, sports.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Done with the GMAT

While I decided at the end of 2013 that I wanted to pursue an MBA, it's taken me many months to feel prepared for the GMAT. I took it the first time in June 2014, and just panicked and crashed. I had been studying on my own for about 5 months and apparently that didn't work out. For the second time around, I decided to spend a small fortune and sign up for a class.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Ceramic painting

During my senior year of college I walked by a ceramic painting studio at the mall and decided to give it a shot. I was surprised to find that it was an extremely relaxing experience. Since then, I've tried to go once a month, and have eventually begun working on bigger pieces. Here are some that I've painted in the past:

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

GMAT Studying

Ahh, it's been just two weeks that I set up the blog and already I'm failing at keeping up with my goal of posting twice a week. In all fairness, I didn't expect to post twice a week until after I was done with the test, which I'll be taking in early June. However, since all I can think about is the test, I figured I'd write a little bit about it.

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