Week in Fitness

Now that the holidays are done and I can clearly see the side effects of stuffing my face with delicious food with an absolute abandon for those weeks, I decided it was time to get serious about getting into shape. I used to be one of those lucky girls who, growing up, didn't really have to work out or diet to stay thin. I ate what I wanted and was pretty comfortable with my body. Then I turned 25. In the past two years, my body has gone through so many transformations that I don't even recognize it. Granted, I spent all of last year with my nose in some GMAT book, while eating cookies and crackers to stay awake while I studied. But since turning 25 almost 2 years ago, I just can't seem to go back to my old body. Not only have I gained weight in the most random places, but it will just not go away! So, it was time to take up a workout routine.

I am not at all proud when I say that my first week of trying to work out was pathetic. Sure, I walk a couple miles a day with Zoey, but really dedicating some time in the morning to just work out by myself has left me so sore that it's difficult to sit up in bed in the morning.

To get ready, I started reading a few blogs with ideas on different work outs, diets, and motivation tips. One that of course stood out to me was making your workout habits a social thing, so that you'd hold yourself accountable to working out and reporting on the results. Many people use a #humiliation hash tag, but I honestly don't think that's even a strong enough word to describe what happened in my first week. So, hopefully by sharing this week, and making my Fitness tab a little less lonely, I'll be embarrassed enough to continue with this workout routine and publish better results as the weeks go by. I'm sure I'll spend more time messing with the template below than actually working out, but oh well.


For those who don't know, I wear a FitBit everywhere. I even use it to track my sleep. I'm a bit obsessed with it. So here are my stats for this past week, Sunday through Saturday.

The CDC recommends that people walk about 10,000 steps per day, or for the typical person, 5 miles. So clearly, I'm well below that goal at just 57,000 steps for the week. It'll get better!


A friend of mine pointed me to Neila Rey superhero workouts. These are so cool!! I'm sure they'd be even better if I could actually get through a whole set without wanting to die. It's not really that bad while I'm doing it, but considering I had a hard time taking deep breaths the day after I did Abs of Steel, it just reinforced how out of shape I am.

1/26 Express

Push-ups (10) 5
Crunches (20) 15
Plank (30 secs) 25
Wall-sit (30 secs) 20
Squats (20) 12
Lunges (20) 10

Set 1 Set 2
Sit ups (10)
Flutter kicks (12) 12 12
Leg raises (10) 7 6
Bicycle crunches (10) 5 6
Knee crunches (10) 10 8
Leg pull-ins (10) 7 4
Plank arm lifts (10) 4
Elbow plank (30 secs) 18
Body saw (10) 3

Ya, Abs of Steel was supposed to be 3 sets, but considering I'd found out I'd been waitlisted at UCLA Anderson at 4:15 AM, doing this workout at 6 AM was the last thing I wanted to do. And yes, that's totally an excuse. 

For now, I'm sticking with just Yoga on Fridays. Maybe in a couple weeks I'll up the workouts to 4 days a week, leaving my Friday mornings to Yoga or Pilates.

Lastly, hoping this #humiliation turns into #success soon!


Spinach and cheese stuffed shells


BarkBox - January