National Dog Day

Happy National Dog Day!! On Halloween of 2012, I adopted Zoey from Homeward Pet. She had been rescued on a Friday along with two other puppies. That Saturday I went to five different shelters looking for a dog. My initial thought had been to adopt an older, calmer dog, just for companionship. My first stop that day was Homeward Pet.

Since she had just been rescued, I wasn't allowed to actually touch her, just look at her in her pen. Here are some photos from the first time I saw her:

(She still won't stay still for a picture).

After seeing her, every shelter I went to, I compared other dogs I saw to her. So at the end of the day, I went back to figure out when I could get her. Since she hadn't been fully examined and spayed yet, I would have to wait a couple days. So, that following Wednesday, on Halloween, when the center opened at noon, I was already in their parking lot. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

While Zoey has slowly calmed down (she's now 2.5 years old), I've learned a lot about myself. She was not an easy puppy to start out with! She was very unfriendly to dogs, growling and snapping at them. Since I worked at Amazon, that was a problem since I wanted to bring her in to work with me. Close to two years later, she's gotten much better. She's got a few puppy friends that she goes crazy with. As for other dogs, I'm happy to announce that we've gotten to a point of ignoring. While I'd love for her to play with everyone, I'll take ignoring over growling. I have too many stories that I could write about Zoey as she's been quite the troublemaker. Instead, here are my favorite photos of her from these past two years:

Ready for my walk in the rain!

Gotta take advantage of the sun

But I'm not even tired yet

Temper tantrum after I told her to go to bed

Zoey has an amazing ability to find the most uncomfortable pillows


Alien pose 

Hates rain, loves the snow


I can be good......


Did I mention the weird pillows?

Hmm....... my toy seems to have exploded.......

Studying for the GMAT was not easy

PS: I'm working on a blog for Zoey and will launch as soon as I am done with business school applications. For a sneak peek, check out, containing some posts I had written when I first adopted her.


Done with the GMAT


Still I Rise