Done with the GMAT

While I decided at the end of 2013 that I wanted to pursue an MBA, it's taken me many months to feel prepared for the GMAT. I took it the first time in June 2014, and just panicked and crashed. I had been studying on my own for about 5 months and apparently that didn't work out. For the second time around, I decided to spend a small fortune and sign up for a class.

The class was definitely worth it. The instructor I had was sensational, and was able to get information across in a number of different ways. Plus, to be stuck in a gigantic conference room for 3 hours, twice a week, after a full work day, during the summer in Seattle, overlooking Puget Sound, he had to be pretty good to keep us focused.

While I'm excited to be done with the test, it's still infuriating. I don't think the score is reflective of what I can do, and I know that I panicked when I hit 5 geometry questions in a row. It's frustrating to study for so many months, get scores of 680 - 720 on practice tests, and then do poorly on test day because of nerves and the nerves of those around you. At least this time there was no proctor forgetting her password and taking 7 minutes out of my verbal time to remember it. Although I did lose 4 minutes of my 8 minute break and then 3 minutes of my math section due to the proctor not seeing my hand raised and chatting away.

While mere minutes may not seem like a big deal, a big part of the test is psychological, and thinking that you're behind by even just one minute can throw you off. But, while this test grade will make me work harder in the rest of my application material, it won't deter me from applying to the schools I was most interested in. I'm glad to have it done and am looking forward to the rest of the process!


Don't worry, there's no monster in your closet


National Dog Day