Zoey Natalia Persegani Zoey Natalia Persegani

Zoey Turns 5!

It's Zoey's birthday today! I can't believe this little nugget is turning 5 and that I've had her for 4.5 years now. We've moved across the country together and are about to do it again. Something I've been wanting to add to the blog for a while in a photo diary of her. I take sooooo many pictures of Zoey, but don't really post them anywhere. So, from now on, she'll have her own little photo album which I'll update whenever I take new pictures, rather than posting them individually. Here are a few of my favorite photos from the past 5 years.

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

Don't Lick the Wall

I've mentioned this before, but Zoey is the ultimate troublemaker. And surprisingly enough, she understands when she's done something wrong, and looks all guilty. Everyday she reassures me that dogs can in fact be mischievous, doing something they know is wrong just for the heck of it. Let me paint you a picture of how I've come to this conclusion.

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

Zoey and the Goldfish Cracker

Zoey is an interesting creature. I've documented a few of her weirdness, but I've never really talked at length about why she cracks me up. So I though I'd share something she did last summer that not only made me cry from laughing but also got me to stop eating goldfish crackers. You know the one. When you open a bag, you can just smell the overdose of cheese used to make it. Then, if you have more than five crackers, your fingertips now show it, likely an orange-yellow color. And lastly, and typically unavoidable, the crumbles on your clothes, the couch, the floor. But, Goldfish crackers are one of those childhood staples, that all Americans learn to like growing up. Well, Zoey didn't get that memo.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Catching Up

I can't believe it's been more than three months since my last post! I knew moving to New York and starting my MBA would be a bit of a whirlwind, but people weren't kidding when they said first semester is rough. I feel like I've barely had time to catch my breath but at the same time have had the opportunity to do so much. 

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Lifestyle, Travel Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Travel Natalia Persegani

Cross-Country Roadtrip

Like I'd mentioned in my previous post, in order to get Zoey to New York from Seattle, we had to drive cross-country. It was an incredible experience. We'd complained in the past about how long the 4-5 hour drive from Seattle to Spokane WA was, twice a year for four years while I did my undergrad at Gonzaga. Preparing to move to New York, we knew we had at least 40 hours to go! Let that sink in for a minute.

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Zoey, Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Zoey, Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - April Review

I (and Zoey) loved this box!! Even though it actually had less items than I typically get, we were both excited by every single one. And for once, there was no chew stick in the box, which is awesome since I always give those away. I wonder if they knew it was Zoey's birthday this month??

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Recipes, Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Recipes, Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

Zoey's Birthday

It was Zoey's birthday two weeks ago!! Gosh, I can't believe she's already 3. Time has just flown by. To celebrate, I made a few cupcakes for her and they actually turned out really good! Granted, she eats anything you put in front of her, but still, it had peanut butter, so it had to be good right?

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Sunday Round Up

This was a full week! I've been getting better at remembering to save any interesting articles in my blog as I go through the week, so I have lots to share this Sunday. I've also been getting really into Pinterest, so there are just more opportunities to find interesting articles as my feed is customized for me. So let's jump right in!

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - March

I'm not sure how Zoey just knows when the box I'm holding is a BarkBox. I've gotten numerous packages in the mail this month and she doesn't even look at them. But when I brought the BarkBox in, she was jumping up all around me. Apparently the treats in the box smelled amazing this month.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Sunday Round Up

I feel like this week just flew by. Even though I've been looking forward to my trip to NYC for the NYU Stern Preview, I can't believe that it's already next week! But, before we get to it, here were a few things for this past week.

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - February

Working at Amazon, I've been spoiled with good customer service. Being on the inside, you can really witness how every decision starts with the customer, so there are few things I appreciate more from a business than good customer service. While I'd never had issues with BarkBox, last month's box was less than stellar in my opinion. I posted that on Twitter and within 12 hours, someone from BarkBox had reached out and I had a $15 coupon code for anything in their store. That's great customer service! In addition, I absolutely love this month's box!

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - January

Whenever I bring a box into the house, Zoey starts hopping around me, always assuming it's for her. Such was the case when I came in with the January BarkBox last night. I have to say though, this month's box was a bit of a disappointment to both of us. Yes, I understand that Zoey is the leader of toy destroyers, which isn't your normal pup getting a BarkBox. But when I opened the box and saw the toy they'd sent, I immediately thought she'd rip it to pieces within minutes. She did not disappoint.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Working on Shutterfly

One of my favorite things to do in January is to put together a photo album on Shutterfly of the previous year. While I usually try really hard to update it periodically during the year to make it easier in January, I seem to space out on it around July and then have to catch up later. In January, it's always hard to remember who took that photo that you really liked, or remember why the heck I was dressed up as a lollipop.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Summer adventures

After returning from vacation this past week, Seattle seems to have dropped into freezing mode all of a sudden. Apparently, my family are the only ones feeling it. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that we spent 2 weeks in Rio de Janeiro, while it was roughly 35° C. Reminiscing about the warm weather, I started daydreaming of the few adventures I experienced this past summer while studying for the GMAT. As I write this, Zoey is completely bundled up next to me, with only her nose poking out of the blanket burrito she's wrapped herself in. One of the adventures that really sticks out in my head of course has to do with Zoey.

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - December

Since I was out of town for the holidays, I didn't get December's BarkBox until I returned in January. After opening the box, my nose was assaulted by the smell of peppermint. Somehow I'd managed to forget that the box was likely to be holiday themed, and was not at all prepared for that. Luckily, Zoey wasn't home when I opened the box. However, she did manage to get on the kitchen counter when she came in and smelled it.

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

Why I'm Obsessed with BarkPost

A little over 2 years ago, I adopted a puppy from Homeward Pet. You can read all about Zoey in a previous blog post. Since rescuing Zoey, I've been a sucker for dogs. Anywhere I see them, I ask the owner if I can pet them, especially puppies. More often than not, I'm rewarded with quite the tail wag. About a year ago, I heard from a friend about a subscription box called BarkBox. Basically, for $19+ a month, you get a box of dog goodies shipped to your front door. I had a subscription for a little over 6 months the first time around, and loved the treats Zoey got. The toys were pretty much worthless, she always managed to rip them apart within minutes. Then I decided to sign up again a couple months ago, but changed her subscription to a "medium-sized" dog, hoping the toys would be a bit tougher. So far so good. She's only decapitated one stuffed animal so far, but has loved the other toys. Going forward, I'll try really hard to do a blog post review of the monthly box, before giving her anything. I'll also update it if she destroys the toy and how long that took.

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

National Dog Day

Happy National Dog Day!! On Halloween of 2012, I adopted Zoey from Homeward Pet. She had been rescued on a Friday along with two other puppies. That Saturday I went to five different shelters looking for a dog. My initial thought had been to adopt an older, calmer dog, just for companionship. My first stop that day was Homeward Pet.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Doggy walk

Just finished a great walk with a now very soggy Zoey. Looking forward to the summer with longer afternoon walks!

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