Phone Case of the Month - April

So I know I'm totally behind the game in doing my April reviews, I have no idea where April went! So, to correct that right away, I'm hoping to tackle all my reviews this weekend. I have been using all my samples though, so not all is lost!

First up, my Phone Case of the Month. I absolutely loved this month's design. It's just as slick as last month's, which I found out the hard way.

Of course, while always having a protective case on my phone, I had never dropped it. As soon as I switch to a simple case, it falls off my lap. And not just anywhere. No, it had to be in a stadium, with hard back plastic chairs and gross, sticky concrete floors. I stood up for the national anthem and my phone tumbled off my lap, hit the back of the chair in front of me, and landed on the ground.

I could tell right away when I picked it up that the screen had cracked a little bit. But I was also glad to see how tough the iPhone is! It was a bad drop, but there's only tiny little cracks (in a curved line no less, because of the shape of the chair), going across the screen. It didn't shatter all around. So, while I forgot to cancel my membership for the month of May, I'll probably go back to a more sturdy and protective case.


If you sign up for Phone Case of the Month through this link, both you and I will receive a $5 credit towards the following month's shipment.


Sunday Round Up


Sunday Round Up