Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

POPSUGAR Must Have Box February Review

Just after I moved to NYC, I cancelled all my subscription boxes. While I was in save mode, the main reason was really that I just didn’t have time to try all the samples from my Birchbox or that I couldn’t finish all the cookies from Barkbox. However, I did continue to try and swap items through My Subscription Addiction, while continuously reading the new reviews. One box I’d been wanting to try for a long time was the PopSugar Must Have box. Every month when I read the review, I loved every item that was in the box and tried to swap for it. So, when I saw the spoiler alert for the January box, I decided to sign up. Unfortunately, it was too late and I started with the February box, but it’s still awesome!

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

BirchBox - April Review

This month's Birchbox was a bit of a miss for me. In theory, I should like all the products that are in the box since they're items I use, but I just didn't get excited about them. I did absolutely love the box though, and am keeping little knickknacks in it!

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Phone Case of the Month - May Review

I feel like the universe just knows when you don't want to use something anymore and it pushes you the other way so that you don't have a choice but to keep using it. I talked about how I didn't want to continue this subscription in my last review, simply because it's a bit of an expensive habit. Sure, it's just $10 per month, but do I really need a new case every month? Probably not. So, I decided to also cancel this subscription.

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Zoey, Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Zoey, Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - April Review

I (and Zoey) loved this box!! Even though it actually had less items than I typically get, we were both excited by every single one. And for once, there was no chew stick in the box, which is awesome since I always give those away. I wonder if they knew it was Zoey's birthday this month??

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Ipsy - April Review

I've been so excited to get my Ipsy and Birchbox every month. I'm not a super girly girl who wears makeup everyday, but these beauty boxes are so customizable that I love every item I receive. And this month was no exception!

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Phone Case of the Month - April

So I know I'm totally behind the game in doing my April reviews, I have no idea where April went! So, to correct that right away, I'm hoping to tackle all my reviews this weekend. I have been using all my samples though, so not all is lost!

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Cate and Chloe - April

When I decided to sign up for all those subscription boxes at the same time, I was probably most excited for my Cate and Chloe box since I love jewelry. After my first box was a bit of a miss, I reached out to customer service to further customize my box. I'm happy to say that they absolutely understand what I was looking for, and I loved this month's items!

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - March

I'm not sure how Zoey just knows when the box I'm holding is a BarkBox. I've gotten numerous packages in the mail this month and she doesn't even look at them. But when I brought the BarkBox in, she was jumping up all around me. Apparently the treats in the box smelled amazing this month.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Ipsy - March

So I've gotten five (!) subscription boxes this month, and it's been awesome. Each one is super unique in its own way, and I absolutely loved just how bright and shiny pink the packaging for Ipsy was. It just made me that more excited to dig into it, rather than the old boring brown UPS envelopes.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Birchbox - March

I was so excited to start getting all my subscription boxes this month that I didn't realize how much work it is to try out all the products and then report back on them! So, despite having received my lovely Birchbox on 3/11, I'm just getting to review it today. Like the February version, I absolutely loved this month's box.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Cate and Chloe - March

Now that I've received my first subscription box of March (Birchbox), the others have flooded in. On Thursday, I received my Cate and Chloe box, probably the one I was most excited for since I love jewelry. I was unsure whether to start with this box due to the steep price ($40), but figured I could cancel it if I didn't like it.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Birchbox - February

I got my first subscription box yesterday!! It's an awesome feeling opening your mail box and seeing a present in there. Of course, I couldn't wait to dig into it. First thing I noticed before I even opened the box was how it was addressed to me. "The Lovable Natalia". I thought that was a small touch that really made me smile. One of those little things that a company does, that makes you appreciate them even more.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

March Confessions

A couple days after I wrote about subscription boxes and My Subscription Addiction, I got Zoey's BarkBox in the mail. Although I'd signed up for Cate and Chloe in early February, my box wouldn't actually come until March! After receiving Zoey's BarkBox, I didn't want to wait anymore, I wanted mine NOW. So, in my frustration, I signed up for another box........ and another box....... and another box :)

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - February

Working at Amazon, I've been spoiled with good customer service. Being on the inside, you can really witness how every decision starts with the customer, so there are few things I appreciate more from a business than good customer service. While I'd never had issues with BarkBox, last month's box was less than stellar in my opinion. I posted that on Twitter and within 12 hours, someone from BarkBox had reached out and I had a $15 coupon code for anything in their store. That's great customer service! In addition, I absolutely love this month's box!

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Subscription boxes

Now that my life isn't consumed by GMAT prep or flying around the country to interview at business schools, I get to enjoy a bit more of my day to day. And that means shopping. Online. In store. On the phone. Pretty much any way possible. But one of the best parts about shopping for me, is getting home and taking everything out of the bag, knowing it's mine now. It'd be even more exciting if it was a present! So, I decided to rejoin the subscription box world. Why should Zoey be the only one getting surprise presents in the mail every month?!

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - January

Whenever I bring a box into the house, Zoey starts hopping around me, always assuming it's for her. Such was the case when I came in with the January BarkBox last night. I have to say though, this month's box was a bit of a disappointment to both of us. Yes, I understand that Zoey is the leader of toy destroyers, which isn't your normal pup getting a BarkBox. But when I opened the box and saw the toy they'd sent, I immediately thought she'd rip it to pieces within minutes. She did not disappoint.

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Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Zoey Natalia Persegani

BarkBox - December

Since I was out of town for the holidays, I didn't get December's BarkBox until I returned in January. After opening the box, my nose was assaulted by the smell of peppermint. Somehow I'd managed to forget that the box was likely to be holiday themed, and was not at all prepared for that. Luckily, Zoey wasn't home when I opened the box. However, she did manage to get on the kitchen counter when she came in and smelled it.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani


Poshmark is a social app for people to shop each other's closet. You can list any clothing or beauty item from your closet and shop from closets of women around the country. Spoiler, it's extremely addicting!

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