Sunday Round Up

With Mother's Day this Sunday, I felt like the whole week I was being bombarded with messages about gifts. Good thing I've been on point lately about getting my gifts ahead of time. It never ceases to amaze me how some people wait until the last day though. I was at the mall on Thursday night and a guy walked in to a store and asked the attendant next to me what he could buy that was small and light for his mom since he'd have to ship it Friday morning, overnight, across the country. These types of holidays can't really sneak up on people, they're pretty much the same day every year. You know, you only had 364 days since the last one to find a gift......

What happens when you're on a diet

For Mother's Day, I volunteered to make a Pinata Cake for my mom (recipe coming soon). Last weekend I was feeling a bit under the weather, so I did well throughout the week not eating junk food. And then I made this behemoth of a cake and felt like the 12th slide in the stream of the different emotional stages of being on a diet.

She's the boss

Some time ago, Beyonce kicked off the "she's not bossy, she's the boss" movement, which was absolutely great. Recently, I've been super obsessed with Pitch Perfect, in which Anna Kendrick plays a total badass. For the Pitch Perfect 2 poster, the photographer and crew were unhappy with Anna sticking to her character and not making a sexy pose. What did he get? A stare down from Anna and an awesome pose of a boss who refused to back down for being a woman and a whole lot of supporters.

Face mapping

Lately I've been very frustrated with my skin as it keeps breaking out. Yes, I do eat a lot of junk food, but I'm not a teenager anymore, so it's really annoying. I was browsing Pinterest the other day and ran across a face map. It's the coolest thing. Since my acne is based around my chin, now I feel a little bit better knowing that it's hormones rather than me just eating a ton of bad food.

And for the doggies

Following up on my rant from last week on Pit Bulls, I ran into this article of someone going even more above and beyond to make people understand that these dogs are not born as beasts.

For eye opening: A social experiment using puppies
For a laugh: Dogshaming
For information: Pup travel infographic
For heartbreak: A stray dog's typical day and a dog being thrown away for no longer being active


BarkBox - April Review


Zoey's Birthday