Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

And the year comes to an end

Now that the school year is done, I wanted to take the opportunity to explore a bit more all of the things I have learned in my various classes. While some classes may not be applicable right away, I know that all the tools and frameworks I have studied for the past year will be useful in the future. I can't believe a whole year has already gone by and that I start my internship in three weeks. One of the classes I took in the spring semester was focused around frameworks and ideas to keep in mind and have a direct impact right away, during the internship.

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Lifestyle, Travel Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Travel Natalia Persegani

San Francisco Tech Trek

As NYU gives us the whole month of January off to pursue recruiting, I spent the past week in San Francisco through a school tech trek. We visited twelve companies in four days, so lots to take in. Here's my take on the recent trip:

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

Sunday Round Up

I feel like this week just flew by. Even though I've been looking forward to my trip to NYC for the NYU Stern Preview, I can't believe that it's already next week! But, before we get to it, here were a few things for this past week.

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Lifestyle, Travel Natalia Persegani Lifestyle, Travel Natalia Persegani

Done with MBA applications!

At the end of 2013, just before the holidays, I started thinking of returning to school, debating between an MBA or a Masters in Statistics. I started thinking of why I wanted to change industries, where I'd like to be, and the possibility of moving from Seattle, where I've lived for the last 15 years. I've greatly enjoyed my time at Amazon and the opportunity I had to work with incredible people. But I knew it was time to move on, and chase an industry I was much more passionate about, sports.

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Lifestyle Natalia Persegani Lifestyle Natalia Persegani

GMAT Studying

Ahh, it's been just two weeks that I set up the blog and already I'm failing at keeping up with my goal of posting twice a week. In all fairness, I didn't expect to post twice a week until after I was done with the test, which I'll be taking in early June. However, since all I can think about is the test, I figured I'd write a little bit about it.

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