Sunday Round Up

I feel like this week just flew by. Even though I've been looking forward to my trip to NYC for the NYU Stern Preview, I can't believe that it's already next week! But, before we get to it, here were a few things for this past week.

Meal planning

I've always wondered how some people are ready day in and day out with their meals and snacks. Typically on my way home from work or during my walk with Zoey, I'm running through what I have in my fridge and freezer to make for dinner that night. While I've enjoyed cooking lately, it'd be awesome to just pop something into the microwave and be done with it. Enter meal planning. I'm terrible at remembering the complements to a meal if I take part of it out of the freezer. But maybe if I have a calendar to go by, I'll be better? It's at least worth a shot!

Big data

I thought this article  was absolutely phenomenal. Big data is such a problem for companies in today's world, that different scholars are looking for new ways to deal with it. The amount of information available to companies is unparalleled, but not always the most simple to decipher. Bringing in an artistic perspective is a new approach to seeing this data in a new way, hopefully leading to new discoveries.

Living in small spaces

As I get ready mentally to move to NYC, it amazes me how people live in such tiny apartments. Granted, I've been fortunate to attend a great undergraduate program, leading me to a great job, and being able to have my own place, which is a very generous size at its 650 square feet for just Zoey and I. But looking through apartment listings in NYC and seeing 250-350 square foot studios for $2,300 is just astounding! While I've given up hope on moving any of my furniture to the east coast, I'm not sure how to even deal with such tight quarters. Luckily, the internet has an answer for everything. One of my favorite bloggers posted this article recently about her friends who live in a 240 square foot apartment together. I thought some of her tips were great and certainly things that I'll implement to keep from going crazy. And my Pinterest addiction has given me plenty of ideas as well.

Doggy entertainment

And of course, can't end a round up without some doggy fun! First, common things that people take part in their day to day may seem simple to us, but a completely different world to our dogs. This article does a great job showing us how simple things to us may be the scariest thing in the world to them. Take the thunder example, with just 2 cracks of thunder the other day, Zoey managed to rip my jeans when she jumped into my lap and then tried to dig through my legs to hide even more.

And of course, a classic: Dogs with sticks. Zoey would have fit right in with the pups in this article.


BarkBox - March


Sunday Round Up